LUCIVAND 300 is an anti-cancer medication that belongs to the protein kinase inhibitor category of drugs. It is used in treatment of a rare type of cancer called the Medullary thyroid cancer that generally runs in families. LUCIVAND 300 helps in blocking signals that trigger the growth of tumour cells.
Treating the symptoms in people suffering from Medullary thyroid cancers
Most common side effects with LUCIVAND 300 are
- Upset stomach and Loose motions
- Headaches
- Inability to stay alert
- Dizziness
- Abdominal aches
- Itchiness and dryness of skin
- Tendency to catch infections easily
- Swelling in extremities
- Insomnia
This is not a full list of all side effects that may occur with this drug. Please seek medical advice from your doctor about if you experience serious side effects. Also, it is must to talk to your doctor if you see symptoms of easy bleeding tendencies, Jaundice, breathing problems or infections developing in your body.
Drug allergies are quite common and might occur as a result of reaction to active ingredients as well as inactive ingredients. The most common side effects of allergies are: itching, rashes, hives, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, dizziness and loose motions.
Warnings and precautions
- You must always inform your doctor about your past and present drug allergies or other allergies before taking this medication. Drug allergies to both active ingredients and inactive agents are common.
- Before using LUCIVAND 300, inform your doctor or pharmacist regarding relevant medical history, especially that related to bleeding tendency, heart diseases, lung and liver ailments.
- Not to be consumed by pregnant and nursing women.