
Most common Cancer Causing Foods

Did you know that cancer can be caused by some of the day to day food items that we consume quite regularly? Well, yes there are many foods that can trigger cancer in a susceptible person. Once the growth of abnormal cells takes place in your body, the tumour has the potential to grow at an exponential rate and infest majority of your body organs. The most commonly noticable signs and symptoms of cancer in a person might be non-specific.The predisposing factors behind cancer could be many. One of the…

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Natural Methods to Lose Weight

Shedding the extra weight and burning fat is a dream for many of us. Due to poor nutritional choices and lack of exercise in daily routine, obesity has become a global problem.Being obese is related to many other health problems, including: Diabetes, Hypertension, cardiac problems etc. but what if I say, you can still take control and adopt certain natural methods to lose weight. Check out how to shed those extra Kilos with natural methods including weight loss pills. WEIGHT LOSS PILLS There are many natural, safe and side effect…

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Treatment Options for Oral Cancer

Treatment options for oral cancer is dependent totally upon the extent, site and the stage of oral cancer. Also, the patient’s general state of health has to be taken into consideration. In certain cases, a single treatment modality might suffice while in other cases, a combination of certain treatments might be necessary. Chiefly, there are three main Treatment options for oral cancer… SURGERY The surgical treatment of Oral cancer involves, removal of the cancerous tumor tissue along with a margin of the healthy tissue around the tumour. At times, the…

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Oral Cancer Risk Factors

Oral cancer can develop in anybody but there are many factors that might increase your chances of getting a disease. As with all other types of cancers, the risk of getting oral cancer grow with age. Let us read in more detail about oral cancer risk factors: Various general factors are amongst potential risk factors for oral cancer. Gender: Men are more likely to develop oral cancer as well as Oropharyngeal cancer when compared to women. This difference may be attributed to habits like: smoking, alcohol, chewing Tobacco etc. Age:…

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Oral Cancer Symptoms

Cancer is a disease that happens due to uncontrolled division of abnormal cells. This can occur in any part of the body. Certain parts of the body are more prone to cancer due to constant exposure to irritants and risk factors. These abnormal cells that grow at an unusual pace are referred to as malignant cells. Oral cancer mostly occurs on the following sites: Lips: the lower lip being more commonly affected Tongue Soft tissues of the mouth like: buccal mucosa, palate etc. The earliest signs of the cancer of…

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Eat Right to Beat Cancer with Diet

You are what you eat and everything you ingest has an impact on your health. Getting cancer is in many cases a result of bad food choices and lifestyle practices. Cancer can be prevented and reversed with the help of cancer fighting superfoods.Let us read about certain foods that can be eaten to beat cancer with diet. INCLUDE LOTS OF PIGMENTED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN YOUR DIET They say, it is recommended to literally, eat the rainbow. Include as many colors in your diet, as possible. A host of fruits…

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Early Warning Signs of Colorectal Cancer

Colon cancer occurs in large intestines. At times, it always involves rectum and in such cases, it is called as colorectal cancer. Most cases of colon cancer start as a small, benign lump of cells known as Adenomatous polyps. With passage of time, these polyps can turn cancerous. Read about early signs of colorectal cancer… BLOOD IN THE STOOL OR TARRY STOOL If you notice blood while passing stools in the toilet bowl or while wiping yourself with a toilet paper, be alert as this could be one of the…

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Treatment options for colorectal cancer

There are several options for the treatment of colorectal cancer. The treatment method that is taken up depends upon various factors, like: size of tumor, its exact location in the intestine as well as the stage of the cancer. Other factors that might have an influence of the method of treatment are whether or not the tumor is recurrent in nature and the overall health status of the patient. The most common and feasible Treatment options for colorectal cancer include: chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. Let us read in some detail…

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Lowering the Risk of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is quite preventable but there still remain to be a lot of  risk factors that are beyond our control. Having a knowing about which ones are relevant to you could help you understand your risk better and take the necessary steps to lower it. If you feel you’re at high risk, it is good to talk to a qualified healthcare professional. Some factors that could increase your risk of getting colon cancer are: Old age A positive family history of colon cancer Inflammatory bowel disease Being tall There…

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Common Cancer Myths and Facts

Cancer is one word that is enough to haunt anybody. Cancer has been considered synonymous with ‘Death’ and ‘misery’. While earlier Cancer related deaths were highest in the developed countries, there has been a change in the trend over the last few decades as more number of cancer cases and deaths are being reported from the developing countries. Cancer is indeed a dreadful disease especially if it is detected in late stages. However, with improved advances in chemotherapy, radiation therapy and introduction of newer methods of cancer treatment, cancer cases…

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