Crizocent Crizotinib is an anti-cancer medication that works by kinase inhibition and prevents the growth and metastasis of cancerous cells in the human body.
Crizocent 250 mg is used for the treatment of cases who have locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It is only used for lesions that are anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive or ROS 1 positive.
Side effects
This is not the full list of all side effects that may occur with Crizocent 250 mg. Please seek medical advice from your doctor about if you experience serious or unusual side effects. You must seek immediate medical help if you find symptoms of easy bleeding tendencies, Jaundice, breathing problems, heart problems or infections developing in your body.
Drug allergies are quite common and might occur as a result of reaction to active ingredients as well as inactive ingredients. The most common side effects of allergies are: itching, rashes, hives, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, dizziness and loose motions.
The most commonly observed side effects of Crizocent 250 mg Crizitinib tablets are:
- Vision problems like blurry vision, heightened sensitivity to light, seeing floaters
- Swelling in certain parts of the body, especially hands and feet
- Nausea/ vomiting
- Loose stools/constipation
- Weight loss
- Thinning of hair
- Tiredness
Warnings and Precautions
- You must always inform your doctor about your past and present drug allergies, other substance allergies before taking Crizocent 250 mg tablets. Drug allergies to both active ingredients and inactive agents are common.
- Before using Crizocent 250 mg tablets, inform your doctor or pharmacist regarding relevant medical history, especially that related to bleeding tendency, Kidney diseases and liver ailments. Also, inform about all the drugs you are presently taking.
- Patients with heart ailments and high blood pressure must be closely monitored while taking Crizocent 250 mg Crizitinib tablets.
- Pregnancy, breastfeeding and trying to conceive are contraindicated while taking this drug.