Herclon Trastuzumab Injection

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Brand Name: Herclon 440mg
Ingredients : Trastuzumab
Manufacturer: Roche
Strength:440 mg
Form: Injections
Packing: Pack of 1 vial

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Herclon Trastuzumab 440mg Injection belongs to anti-cancer drugs known as monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies are also known as targeted therapies since their mechanism of action is to ‘target’ specific protein receptors present over the surface of cells.

Some cancers show the presence of excessive protein called as the Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) over the cell surfaces. These cancers are identified as being HER2-positive.

The presence of excessive HER2 receptors lead to further stimulation of the cancerous cells to proliferate as well as grow. The drug Herclon Trastuzumab 440mg Injection binds on the surface locks on to the surface of HER2 protein and blocks the receptor site. This mechanism helps in stopping the cancer cells from dividing and growing any further.


Herclon Trastuzumab 440mg Injection is a mainly used for the treatment of some particular types of breast cancer as well as stomach cancer.

Side effects

The most commonly observed side effects that may occur on administering Herclon Trastuzumab 440mg Injection are:

  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Headache
  • Fever and chills
  • Sudden onset chest pain
  • Dry cough and wheezing sounds while breathing

This is not a full list of all side effects that may occur with this injection. Please seek medical advice from your doctor about side effects that become bothersome.


You must always inform your doctor of pharmacist  about your past and present drug allergies or other allergies before taking this medication.Drug allergies to both active ingredients and inactive agents are common.

The given information is meant for resellers, buying houses, doctors, suppliers, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and medical institutes


Above information is meant for: Wholesalers, Suppliers, Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics, Resellers, Buying Houses, Medical Institutions and Pharmacies.

Medical Disclaimer

The information provided on this website pertaining to the ingredients, health related information, product description and treatment has been accumulated from several trustworthy sources. However, this information is not intended to replace of substitute any qualified doctor’s advice.The customers are requested to consult with their family physician before buying any of the medicines on the website.